Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday, July 5

I didn't do a whole hell of a lot today, other than follow Flint and AnonyJohn through several blogs.
My mom went to University Hospital in Edmonton to see her surgeon and find out what he had to say. There were a lot of x-rays taken, and an ultrasound to make sure no blood clots were lurking in the shadows.
My nephew and my sister met her there. Dad and I gave the trip a miss. Me because mom and I are still having... differences, and dad because he was ordering new glasses.
It's about a two and a half hour trip from here to there (one way), and we still didn't get answers to some questions we have. About a month ago, he told us that my mom's left shoulder socket had been fractured in three places. He said it needed replacing, and then the surgery got put off. At first, we were told because it was her blood pressure (too low), and then we were told something else, I forget what.
This time no discussion of what might or might not be done at all. He came in, said his piece, and was gone as soon as my sister turned around.
He's very good (we're told) but he's also very busy.
At least my mom got the go ahead to start walking on both legs, and supporting herself with her arms. They told us when this happened two months ago that she would be flat on her back for six months. Shows how much they knew about my mom. She is one determined lady.
So it looks like she'll go to Red Deer hospital for rehabilitation as soon as a bed opens up. They say this Unit 35 that they have there is pretty good, and mom was happy for the couple of weeks that she was there.
My sister is down here visiting her. It's always nice to see her, though she does sometimes act like my mom, especially when she's grilling me about why I don't have a job yet.
The trees are shedding that white fluff this week. Every time I go outside, I can feel a tickle on my nose. Those fluff are attracted to it like bees to nectar. I used to be quite stuffed up in spring, but I have a good nasal spray that keeps my nose clean.
It's been raining a lot, and I was interested to see a yellow residue left behind when the puddles dried up. Ah yes, the dreaded yellow dust. The Communist Chinese plot to poison us all.
I know I'm being selfish by staying away from my mom, but sometimes I need a break. And at least I'm aware I'm being selfish. There was a great scene on "The Big C" last week. The main character, Cathy, finally blurted out to her friend that she has cancer, and the friend's response was to think about how this experience was going to change her.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we need to stay away to preserve our sanity and theirs.
