Saturday, July 9, 2011


I like watching sports, not playing them. Sometimes I wish I had been more active when I was little, but I always had more interest in reading.
In winter, there's hockey. As a Calgarian, I follow the Flames. And now that it's summer I'm cheering for the Stampeders of the Canadian Football League. A lot of my friends follow American football, but I don't care for it. It's almost as boring as soccer.
I'm not much for following each player and knowing their stats, etc. That's more Flint's area of expertise. I've spent many an afternoon listening to him while we sat on the deck at Dunkin' Donuts. I've always thought he should be running the league, if not a team. He'd be a lot better than mooks like Bettman.
Hell, even I'd be better than Bettman.
One of the things I like about watching sports (live or on television) are the fans. I'm a people watcher. When I attended Stampeder games, my friends and I sat above one of the entrances to the stands so we could watch people coming and going. Great for girl watching, too. Whenever an especially pretty one would go by, my friends would call out, "Nice shoes!"
You can sometimes see the fans at televised games behind the players or coaches. I've often thought that the cameramen should concentrate more on the fans than the players. Sometimes it's just a pretty girl, or a fan of an opposing team behind the home team's bench, or it's just a mook doing something silly like texting instead of watching the game.
When you see a player on the bench at a hockey game, you run the risk of watching him spitting or blowing his nose onto the ice.
The cameramen also close in on a football player on the bench, especially after he has made a good play. The player tries to say something into the camera, but he's usually too out of breath to make any sense. And the mooks in the booth doing the commentating (the "commooktaters") are talking at the same time.
Sometimes they have useful things to add to the conversation, but more often than not, it's just drivel. There's nothing more irritating than listening to someone talk endlessly about the game you're watching, especially if your team is losing. It seems like they are cheering for the winners.


  1. I agree ... I should be running the NHL. :)

    One of the things I enjoyed at the baseball game we went to in Cheongju was the fans getting into it. The assholes from up from Busan were annoying.

  2. Absolutely. I went to basketball and baseball games in Daegu, as well. Always enjoyed shamelessly ogling the cheerleaders.
