Thursday, August 23, 2012

Global Does It Again

Fuck up, that is.
Yesterday, the national evening edition featured a report on Prince Harry's latest shenanigans in Las Vegas. The anchor, Dawna Friesen, reported the "facts" as they had been outlined in a report from TMZ, and then talked to another reporter "on the scene" in England for the reaction from Brits and the Royal family.
Who the fuck cares about this shit?!
A young man behaves badly in Las Vegas. Where the fuck is the news in that kind of story? It must happen all day, every day, and so many times that reporting on all of them would be a full time job. That's why we have organizations like TMZ, scum and carrion eaters who delve into the muck and bring up the shit for assholes who like that kind of crap to glory in.
I've always hated paparazzi ever since they killed Princess Diana, and I've tried to ignore the bile that they spew. But now, here is a national news organization, one that is supposed to be dedicated to reporting the news, bringing this crap into my home and spreading it all over my nice clean floor.
I've been watching Aaron Sorkin's new show, "The Newsroom," where he does for cable news what he did for the presidency in "The West Wing." He idealizes the situation, and presents people trying to do a good job, in contrast to how things are perceived in real life. The latest episodes feature the news team having to report on the Casey Anthony trial as a sop to the network, so that they can get ratings, and get a chance to host a Republican party debate. The tabloid journalism gets to them, and they eventually redeem themselves, and get back to "real reporting."
If only real life could reflect the ideal presented on TV sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. One of the reasons I gave up on the news a long time ago. So much of it is bullshit. What celeb fucked up in what way. It is tripe not news and most of the news media end up shovelling it out.
