Monday, August 20, 2012

A Mystery

Sundre is a town on the edge of the foothills. There is a lot of wildlife around. Deer roam through the town, eating roses out of people's gardens. There're even reports of bears on the outskirts, so a person has to be careful when going out for a walk on the trails down by the river.
Every once in a while, I hear a pack of coyotes howling at the moon, and I think about the dogs in the town. Most of the dogs I see are those little lap dogs. Not too many of the larger variety around.
The mooks across the alley from my folks got a little dog a few weeks ago. It was a little noisy, but not annoyingly so. It reminded me of Frisky, the pup in a coupla Waner Bros. cartoons. He was introduced into the household of a corpulent,complacent cat called Claude (nice alliteration, eh?).
Just when Claude would start to relax, Frisky would come out of nowhere, barking excitedly, sending Claude up to the ceiling.
But, I digress.
The mooks didn't have a fence at the rear of their property, so they jury-rigged a flourescent orange net to keep the pup in. He would bark at people who passed by, and one or another of the mooks'd come out and yell at it to be quiet.
A few weeks after the dogs' appearance, I saw one of the mooks taking it for a walk. The "fence" had been folded back. I guess that was their version of a "gate."
A coupla days later, I saw the dog running around loose, I think with another dog or two, and I wondered if the mooks were just letting it roam the neighbourhood, pooping wherever instead of their back yard.
About the same time, maybe even the same day, late at night, the coyotes set up such a racket of howling, yowling and savage barking that I figured they must have been having their version of a gang fight.
And ever since that day, the mooks' dog hasn't been seen or heard from.
Did the mooks get tired of the dog?
And let it get eaten, rather than take care of it?
I wouldn't put it past them. They are mooks, after all.
But that's just speculation on my part. I witnessed a series of events, and came to a conclusion. Not neccessarily the right one, but one that fits the circumstances.
As I said, a mystery.

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