Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Religion, Kenya Style

One of the first classes I observed here at PACE school was about Christian Religious Education. I think it was a Grade Three class, so their English was not strong, and there was a lot of listen and repeat style teaching. An ESL teacher could definitely be of use here. The kids at the school get a heavy dose of that old time religion here, but there are a few twists that make identify it as completely Kenyan.

On Thursday mornings, the staff gathers for a prayer meeting, and the school pastor, Mr. Mugo, gives the message. I think we were still jet-lagged when we were told of this meeting, because only a couple of us were ready to go, and I and a few others arrived late.
Pastor Mugo's message was about having vision, and how important it was to have one. Otherwise, how can you make things better for others? How do you want to be remembered? As someone who let others do it all, or as someone who knew where to go and took the lead.

At 16:30, the high school students invited us to their chapel meeting, which was entirely student led. The head girl invited those who wanted to give testimony to come forward. This usually turned out to be done in the form of song. There are some very talented singers at this school, and when the whole student body gets going all at once, it can send shivers up your spine.

This Thursday afternoon meeting was short, only about half an hour, but there is a much longer one on Sunday which starts about 8:30 and goes on for hours. Sometimes it is just one student, or a group, and sometimes it is the whole student body. As I said, very impressive, and something to see to believe.
That evening, we went to Glenda's brother-in-law's house for dinner. There was a short prayer meeting and message beforehand. The ministry that PACE grew out of is celebrating 30 years, and there is going to be a big celebration this weekend, which coincides with the Kenyan Independence Day, June 1st.
When we got back to the house, I think it was the first time we had been out after dark. The night sky was absolutely brilliant. I have not seen so many stars in I don't know how long.

  Oh Lord, thy sea is so great, and my boat is so small.

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